Yesterday I wasn't feeling very well, so I had a little stroll in the early evening to cheer myself up. I wandered into Zara Home looking for picture frames. Somehow, against all the odds I fund myself buying this sugar bowl. 50% glass, 50% brass.
It's lovely isn't it? So delicate. So stylish, so absolutely me (?) The lovely lady at the counter wrapped it thoroughly in bubble wrap to keep it safe. I was so pleased.
When I got back to Tilly Towers I was very keen to get some sugar in it. Call me sad if you like, I can't hear you.
Then - disaster!
Bubble wrap is plastic and plastic is slippery. My slightly slow, tired and vacant fingers didn't grasp properly and the bowl, still bubble-wrapped, landed on the edge of my granite table mat.
Yes. Yes, it smashed.
The silver lining? There was no mess. It was all perfectly contained in the bubble wrap. This didn't hearten me. I still had the 50% brass portion though, the lid and the spoon. And really that is the best bit. That's really the only important bit isn't it? The glass bowl could be anything couldn't it? Couldn't it?
Yes it could! Let's be positive here.
So today I rummaged a bit in my cupboards until I found some potential replacements.
Drum roll please:
Don't be alarmed, I don't live in the 20's, the sepia just makes everything look a little nicer.
You can see that there's a bit of variety in there. I've got some wine glasses, a champagne flute, a glass tumbler and some espresso cups. Obviously none of this has anything to do with tea. They're useless. By rights they shouldn't even be IN my cupboards. Honestly, cluttering the place up and not doing anything tea-y at all! It's about time they started pulling their weight and contributed to this tea thing. As if I drink wine! I don't know how they got there...
So I do have options after all, I think I may be able to breathe a big sigh of relief and use my sugar bowl after all :)