Monday, 12 December 2011

Warming tea for winter

Over here in London it's starting to get very chilly. I've had to buy earmuffs and new gloves. Even a snood. They are all very useful in the cold and blustery weather. What I really want though, is a lovely warm cup of tea to sustain me on my travels.
I have a brilliant flask but it is massive and heavy. Far more suited to a picnic than a commute.

So I need to find something wonderful to cheer my ragged soul at this time of year. I need something that will keep my tea toasty and help me raise a smile on London underground. No easy task!
Does such a delight exist? Just large enough for one cup would be perfect.

So what does the market have for me?

Here are few considerations:

The Bodum Travel Mug

This little beauty comes in a whole host of colours and is available at lots of high street stores, but isn't it basically a thermos flask?

ANOTHER Bodum travel mug - this time with a handle! Both claim to be spillproof, and this one looks a little more stylish to my eye, but I'm still not convinced they're up to the task of actually making me want to drink tea on the tube.

This one isn't spillproof; a porcelain version of the paper coffee cup. I'm not sure why this is considered a design classic, it doesn't really grab me. Kudos for the funky patterns though.
This one describes itself as the perfect travel mug ever, and surely it would know? The Brugo is different from the others in that it has a 'sip chamber'. It also claims to be spillproof.

It would be unforgivably remiss of me not to include Thermos themselves. Of course, they produce all manner of options.

If anything this little exercise has left me even more confused. I think I basically want a cup and saucer, and that's frankly ridiculous. What would I look like? Some kind of Lady Gaga wannabe? And there'd be tea and porcelain everywhere. I'd get all sorts of tuts and tsks. Someone might even huff at me. Well we can't have that. So no, I won't go for a cup and saucer, it's too risky.

So what to do? What to do? Why aren't there amazing wonderful, jump-out-at-you-brilliant mugs?

Does anyone have the answer?

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Christmas tea anticipation

It's still November and I am officially sick of Christamas. Too much anticipation, too much pressure to buy fantastic gifts, and far too much need to comprise a list of 'proper presents' for family to buy from. Yes, I have THAT kind of Christmas. A Christmas that, despite being most definitely an adult, I must draw up a list of reasonably priced items for others to buy me.

I hate this for a number of reasons, firstly I don't see the 'christmas spirit' in treating your friends and family like personal shoppers. Secondly, I can buy these things myself. If I haven't it's usually for a good reason. So I will either have to wait an extra couple of months for something I really want, or receive something that I kind of wanted, but not enough to actually buy it.

But absolutely the worst part of all this, is that it makes me go out into the world and seek out things that I didn't even know I wanted. Then I have to sit and wait for them, hopefully, like the child I used to be. Grrrr.

So, why don't I share a little of that pain with you good folk? Oh yes, a great deal of the gifts were of the teatastic variety, don't you worry about that.

Let's have a look:

First up, the most excellent-looking Tovolo loose tea infuser for those busy peeps like me to use on the move:

Doesn't it look wonderful? It's like a teabag without the potential quality sacrifice. What luck! I hope it's not stupidly fiddly and messy to use, because bags are oh-so convenient. This needs to be brilliant or it will become one of may famous Dust Gatherers.

Next up the ridiculously delicious sounding Chocolatea

Oh yes, I said delicious, because this isn't some common or garden tea stuck to some dairy milk, which would be disgusting. Oh no, no stomach churning sickly cloying here. Or at least there'd better not be. This is Japanese Sencha and cacao nibs. Oh so sophisticated and only 2 calories! (I lied about the calories)

I also want all of the gorgeous tea-sets that are on the market at the moment. Every last one of them. But they are not on my list, because I am a grown up and I have realised that I have no space! :( Oh Santa, won't you bring me a lovely big house in my stocking this year? I've been ever so good.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Not a Proper Tea Blog

Hello again

This is one of those annoying blogs that apologising for not blogging for ages. Except only implicitly. I hope you guys are cool enough to catch it.

This post isn't really about tea either, so that's a double fail for Tilly. I'll try and make it about tea a bit. This post is actually about me getting a cold. It might even be FLU! Zoinks!

Yeah, so I have a cold. :( Poor me. It is very annoying. Maybe you're one of the vast majority who has had a cold of your own. Maybe you've had something 'worse' like a heart attack. Well, we're not talking about you are we? What's the point of having a blog if you can't be a vapid nobody whining about your non-issues?

My head feels funny.

So I tried tea, but it turns out despite all its claimed health benefits it does NOT cure the common cold. Disgraceful. Tea people, hear my call! I need a curing tea, not a soothing tea, or a reviving tea. I don't want symptomatic relief, I want MAGIC.

I don't have any magic tea. I tried some teabags because I'M SICK and loose tea is really great but it definitely requires your brain to function and for you to have pretty good co-ordination. I am therefore unqualified.

It didn't work.

Whining helps a bit...

Saturday, 13 August 2011

The Sugar Bowl Debacle

Yesterday I wasn't feeling very well, so I had a little stroll in the early evening to cheer myself up. I wandered into Zara Home looking for picture frames. Somehow, against all the odds I fund myself buying this sugar bowl. 50% glass, 50% brass.

It's lovely isn't it? So delicate. So stylish, so absolutely me (?) The lovely lady at the counter wrapped it thoroughly in bubble wrap to keep it safe. I was so pleased.

When I got back to Tilly Towers I was very keen to get some sugar in it. Call me sad if you like, I can't hear you. 

Then - disaster!

Bubble wrap is plastic and plastic is slippery. My slightly slow, tired and vacant fingers didn't grasp properly and the bowl, still bubble-wrapped, landed on the edge of my granite table mat.

Yes. Yes, it smashed.

The silver lining? There was no mess. It was all perfectly contained in the bubble wrap. This didn't hearten me. I still had the 50% brass portion though, the lid and the spoon. And really that is the best bit. That's really the only important bit isn't it? The glass bowl could be anything couldn't it? Couldn't it?

Yes it could! Let's be positive here.

So today I rummaged a bit in my cupboards until I found some potential replacements.

Drum roll please:

Don't be alarmed, I don't live in the 20's, the sepia just makes everything look a little nicer.

You can see that there's a bit of variety in there. I've got some wine glasses, a champagne flute, a glass tumbler and some espresso cups. Obviously none of this has anything to do with tea. They're useless. By rights they shouldn't even be IN my cupboards. Honestly, cluttering the place up and not doing anything tea-y at all! It's about time they started pulling their weight and contributed to this tea thing. As if I drink wine! I don't know how they got there...

So I do have options after all, I think I may be able to breathe a big sigh of relief and use my sugar bowl after all :)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Birt & Tang White Tea and Blackcurrant

Today the riots seem far less pressing, and tea is again something that I can get enthused about. With a newfound fervour for calm, I was in no state to achieve it. Instead, it fell to my long suffering Gentleman Friend to provide tea just when it was needed, and before I realised it. I would heartily recommend any one of you investing in such a companion. It really makes a huge difference.

So I consumed vast quantities of very milky honest-to-goodness-basic-blend-teabag-tea. While it certainly did the trick and I felt entirely human after, I felt a little full.

So as every problem can be solved with tea I wondered which blend I should enlist. Interesting.

I looked at green, I looked at Oolong, I looked at everything. In the end I resorted to a half formed memory about white tea being especially good for you. Faultless logic I'm sure you'll agree. So, off to the tea cupboard to rifle through. I set my mind on Birt & Tang's White Tea + Blackcurrant. No particular reason, it seemed like it was the kind of thing that might help.

So, with high hopes for calm and humanity I boiled up the kettle and had a butchers at the packet. The kind advice was 'Use freshly boiled water, and leave to steep for around five minutes.' I like that, I like the 'around five minutes' bit. I really don't want to feel like I have to time my steeping to a pack instructions. Already I'm a bit of a fan of these dudes.

So I put the 'freshly boiled' water in my cute little cup (which I painted myself dontcha know) and leave it to get acquainted with the tea for a few minutes.

Time passes. I write a little bit more of this blog. Some cars outside have their music on too loud. I have an unexpected sneeze. Then before I know it around five minutes have passed.

Back to the kitchen to check on my beautiful beverage.

Well it has darkened up a treat, we'll leave it a respectable amount of time so that my tongue doesn't melt. This is always a risk with milkless tea and sensitive tongues. My mother could probably drink the water straight from the kettle, she surely is a sight to behold. But I digress.

Time passes, etc.

So, I drink it now, right? Ok then, here I go.

It has a very delicate flavour, it's very lightly scented and generally a very light tea. If you take a ready deep breath you can almost smell blackcurrant, but I might be imagining that. It's really very faint. As it cools slightly the flavour grows gradually, and it becomes a much more flavoursome cup. It's very easy drinking too, so I hope that all the white tea claims are true because I really don't mind drinking some of this when I feel a bit unhealthy. It's also very quenching, which I often don't find is as true of some of the bagged green tea.

So, verdict out – I like it. I still want some funky loose tea in a pot, of course. But that's not always practical for me. So this is a good delicate tea that might even make you younger! Or invisible or give you x-ray vision or whatever they're claiming today.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Tea and Riots

Let me start this by saying that I don't live in central london and I don't live in a deprived part of the suburbs either. I have no real first hand experience of proper deprivation. However, I did grow up in a relatively run down working class part of suburbia. Lots of my friends at school had free school dinners and even more lived on the council estate. As I say, I didn't have those experiences so I can't claim to know what it's like. Not really.

But I'm no David Cameron; there was no expensive education and no housekeeper in my childhood. I don't know anyone (unless they're hiding it) who has an inherited title or estate. I'm a lot closer to those rioters than I am to the elite.

So actually, maybe I do know. Maybe I know just the kind of kids who would think rioting and looting would be a good idea. The same kids that throw bricks off overpasses and bottles at trains. They're not making a point, they're not that bright. They're angry and they're frustrated and they feel powerless. In fact, they ARE the point. It's kids like this that are created by deprivation, by spending cuts, by having parents so depressed and sick of the world that they are incapable of stopping them.

So I don't defend them, but I think they're a symptom of a failure of government.

And that is far more depressing.

So tea then. Not much help is it? Well, maybe you'd be surprised. Tea may well not tempt a rioter out of Curry's and back home to the kettle, but it might not be entirely powerless.

The papers are always telling us that families who eat together are more successful, and I think the key to that is communication. A cuppa and a natter is a great British institution that maybe we're neglecting a bit now that we drink our tea and (shudder) coffee on the go.

So here's my idea. Put the kettle on, sit down with someone and just pass the time of day. Why not check on that elderly neighbour who's always so keen to talk? Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, and it's no real trouble.You might be surprised how nice it is to talk to someone new and get a different perspective, and you might make a new friend. You could even mix it up with a biscuit or two. Be a little dangerous, but leave it at that, that's dangerous enough.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Cream Tea in Rochester, Medway

I had a lovely trip to Rochester, Medway, UK. There was a great deal of tea to be had, but Medway is not known for its cream teas, so there was decidedly less fuss than in Devon.

Friday, 22 July 2011

the emperor's garden

IMG_1519 by tillytakestea
IMG_1519, a photo by tillytakestea on Flickr.

I snapped up this Minton tea cup and saucer in the local antique shop. I was drawn to it because it's traditional without being chintzy and I haven't seen anything like it offered in the latest ranges. What do you think? Worth £15.00?

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Choi Time Review - Exotic Mixed Flowers

Yet another fancy free sample to try. I could get used to this life.

This time we have the Exotic Mixed Flowers variety which is another of their Giant Flowering Bulbs

As the last giant bulb I tried was pretty dramatic I decided to ignore all my pretty little teacups and use a large wine glass instead.

I know.

Pretty radical, but stick with it.

So here we have the bulb in the glass, it's pretty large and it's not actually that pretty. It looks like a rolled up ball of some dull plant. But, let's just see shall we?

So the water is added and it's pretty dull

Still a bit dull, yawn

Hang about - what's this?

OMG, as the cool kids say - that is one gorgeous looking flower

These bulbs open up into the most striking flowers. Anyone looking for tea with the 'wow factor' should certainly consider looking into these for the appearance alone. 

Now we come to the taste, an it's really the taste of good quality Jasmine Green Tea.  It's more expensive than the bags you get in the supermarket, but I think you can see why.

I topped this little beauty up a few times and I wasn't disappointed in the flavour. The flower started to fall apart as the tea steeped for an hour or so, but I think that's to be expected. It's osmosis isn't it? Let's pretend I'm clever and that it is.

Anyway, do you want some? Or are the pictures enough for you?

If you want to give them a whirl you can get 10% off with the code TillyTakesTea10.

Flowering Tea bulbs - ChoiTime Tea

The second of my exciting free samples from ChoiTime Tea was one of their flowering tea bulbs. Now these look so pretty that it's easy to forget that the appearance really should be secondary.  Even so, they are, they're very pretty so it would be foolish to ignore that fact.

The pretty little bulb that I unwrapped really was crying out for a pretty vessel to sit in. I decided on a bone china teacup and saucer that I think is very delicate and with a sense of fun. I felt this would complement the spirit of the tea beautifully.

As with all their teas, these are authentic traditional teas and we'll have none of your tea bag malarky here.

It's a lovely and tightly wound ball with a pretty little flowery centre.

When I added the hot water the ball began to unravel, much as you might expect, but rather slowly. However, there's quite a lot of green tea here, so you can get quite a lot of cups.

The tea we're looking at here is the Thousand Year Red and it comes with a hole raft of promised health benefits. In addition the red flower symbolises 'luck, happiness and prosperity'. Well I won't say no to some of that.

The tea itself is Jasmine Green Tea again, and the quality is pronounced. This is a joy to drink and savour. I topped up the water time and time again, and it still tasted good. I even left it stewing while I got distracted by some filing, and after a quick after refresh it was fine again.

The only possible issue was when I accidentally swallowed some of the flower. Not because there's anything wrong with that, but because I'm so used to floating bits in my drink being flies! So lighten up people and drink tea like it's supposed to be drunk.

If you fancy some of this tea ChoiTime will give you 10% discount with the code TillyTakesTea10

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Choi Time Tea - Jasmine Green Tea Pearls

I'm pretty new to this blogging lark so I put out some feelers and got myself some lovely tea samples free via

ChoiTime tea is what I would call an artisan brand. Their tea is sold in all the upmarket shops and is based on the traditional Chinese way of enjoying tea.

According to their site, in China tea is taken very seriously. No surprises there, but in China it seems it's far more common for people to take an interest in the specific tea plants, their cultivation and provenience in the same way the west does with wine. That's something that's really pretty obvious once you stop and think about it, but we mainly trust our brands to do that for us. They always tell us they pick the finest leaves don't they? 

So no tea bags here, no ground leaves, and no preservatives. ChoiTime tea is about the ceremony of tea. When these pearls mix with the hot water they slowly unfurl to reveal the whole leaves they are made of.

I was very kindly sent four separate samples, so I think that requires four separate posts so as to keep it all simple. First off, I thought I'd try what seemed to be the most simple and traditional sample. So I went for the Jasmine Green Tea Pearls in my greenest teacup.

I didn't time the steep, but waited until the water had changed colour slightly and the pearls had unfurled. 

And very refreshing it was too. I often find that green teas can become bitter very easily, and this was absolutely not the case here. Green tea can be a very dominate flavour, but here it is subtle and fresh. It was a pleasure to sip for a drink with so many health claims.

Obviously I can't speak for those health claims, but that's not why I drink tea. I drink tea because I love tea. I love the taste, and I love the taste of this. Of course as this is to be drunk without milk or sugar this is a good choice for anyone who is trying to cut out either of these for whatever reason.

You can even top up this tea with more hot water as you go, so the single serving can last all day. This is surely good news for tea lovers, as it means you can continue enjoying the same tea without extra waste or cost. That's what they call win-win.

I topped up the tea with fresh hot water many times and found that I didn't lose any discernible quality in taste. 

People who enjoy sanitised and plastic looking products won't like this brand. This is a brand that is proud of its ingredients and their quality. Tea is made from leaves, so you see leaves in this. It's a traditional truth that too many producers shy away from. Here the leaves are the main event, and I think that's how it should be. Why have a hamburger when you can have a steak? Yes, you've guessed it, they're more expensive than your supermarket brand so maybe not an everyday tea for most people. These teas would make lovely gifts for any tea lovers, and their sense of occasion really marks them out for events. All in all I really enjoyed the Jasmine Green Tea Pearls.

If you fancy trying something from ChoiTime Teas they have kindly offered a 10% discount with the following code: TillyTakesTea10.

Monday, 27 June 2011


Goodness gracious

Today London is 33 degrees C, that’s 91 degrees F, which is way too high. We’re just not used to such melty weather here in the UK. Come back drizzle, all is forgiven! As everyone knows, tea can solve any problem so today’s mercury busting highs will face the soothing power of copious cups of tea.

I was really planning to try my ChoiTime tea today, but I just know I couldn't do it justice after all this RIDICULOUS heat. I don't know how anyone ever gets anything done in hot countries. No wonder Spain invented the Siesta.

So instead take a look at the best lamp ever invented.

It's a teacup lamp and it's glorious. Massive appreciation must go to Laura Ashley for such a gorgeous creation. It's currently in the sale so you can snap it up for about half price if you're jealous :)

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

A dress to take tea in

Way back in May I was feeling outraged by my ridiculous wardrobe options and decided to splash out on some new dresses. ASOS is where I usually head, and so it was the case this time.

I picked a few gems but it was this tea dress that really impressed me. It’s a lovely delicate pattern that avoids being overly girly by being in a soft blue. It’s a really flattering day dress and looks equally stylish with flats or heels. The outer layer is a thin delicate fabric with a lining dress underneath so no need to worry about flashing!

I’ve had a lot of compliments about this dress when I’ve worn it. One woman even tapped me on the shoulder while I was chatting on my mobile to ask where it was from.

Unfortunately for me it has now reduced in price from £35 to £20! I hate missing a bargain. I would urge anyone who likes delicate and unfussy dresses to give it a whirl and take advantage of the deal. ASOS do free returns too, so you have very little to lose!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

How much is too much?

I've been drinking a lot of tea for a long time now, but I was wondering, how much is too much?

I can quite easily drink 10 cups in a day, but that's not my standard amount. Usually 4 or 5. So is that standard? I don't usually go too crazy with my tea choices at work because there are no choices. It's the bog standard generic faceless bags at work. When I'm home I get a bit more exciting, but there's hardly any time for tea at home.

I've been having some Afternoon blend a lot recently at home. It's nice and fragrant like Earl Grey. Shockingly I've been having it at all times of the day. Morning and evening. Scandalous behaviour.

So is it better that I'm mixing it up? Does that count as variety? I'll be having some Darjeeling later, now that's certainly different. Does that count? Surely that counts.

Monday, 17 January 2011

So The Tea Adventure Begins

Christmas was abundant in tea based gifts like this teapot and cosy from boots that I got twice! Lovely stuff.

So lots of tea to get through and lots of simple pleasures to enjoy.

The teapots are so cute in their little cosies, but they came with loose tea and no strainer. I tried using my funky Whittards teapot shaped one but unfortunately I just couldn't get the hang of it.

Whenever I've been to proper tearooms they've always had fantastic little sieves with tiny tin bowls to hold them while not in use.

I had a look online but I couldn't find any that didn't have a £4.00 delivery charge. Seeing as they were only about £4.00 before delivery it just didn't seem right.

So I decided to just live a sad and incomplete life without the tiny tea sieves.


Then one fine day I was in Allison's Tea Rooms in Kingston and my OH took the initiative and asked where they got theirs. As you might expect they got them wholesale, but they very kindly offered to sell me one for £1. I was absolutely delighted, but I had to at least try and play it cool.

So now whenever I have loose tea in a pot my Allison's sieve comes out to help me out.

And now I'm ready - pot, cups and sieve. Oh, and plenty of tea!